Outgoing documents will only be signed with e-signatures


From the 2 May 2018, the Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education will be issuing statements of recognition and recomendations for higher educations instutions, employers and institutions performing professional recognition only as electronic documents containing an e-signature.

As a matter of practice no paper copies of statements or recommendations will be issued any more. Documents signed with an e-signature have the same legal power as any paper document containing a physical signature, but they can be instantly sent by e-mail to any institution requiring our documentation in effect eliminating any need to submit or receive documents by post. According to the Law on the Electronic Signature, such documents must be accepted by any institution of the Republic of Lithuania.

It is anticipated that this will greatly increase the effectiveness and speed of receiving documentation from the Centre and submitting them to concerned institutions (employers, higher education institutions, etc.): you will not have to actually go to any institutions or wait for documentation to be delivered as it will be enough to simply attach them to your e-mail.

A document containing an e-signature can only be viewed by using secure services, such as the ones provided by the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania, Signa Web tools, or by installing ADOC document creation, signing and confirmination software SIGNA Desktop.

Elektroniniu parašu pasirašytą dokumentą atsidaryti ir peržiūrėti galima pasinaudojus Lietuvos vyriausiojo archyvaro tarnybos ir Signa Web įrankiais internete arba kompiuteryje įdiegus ADoc dokumentų formavimo, pasirašymo ir tikrinimo programinę įrangą SIGNA Desktop.
