SKVC organized the meeting with the universities representatives


On May 10th, SKVC had a meeting with the universities representatives. During the meeting such topics as SKVC activities, results, influence and value, suitability of the applied methods of higher education evaluation, the role of universities ensuring the quality of education also strengths and weaknesses of SKVC activities were discussed. Similar meeting was organized on May 3rd, where SKVC met students representatives - more information can be found here.

In 2016 more meeting where SKVC activity will be discussed are planned:
May 24th - meeting with college representatives.
June  7th -  meeting with employers representatives.

The self-assessment report will be a background for the second review of SKVC activities with the purpose to ascertain how well the activities of SKVC align with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher EducationArea (ESG-2015).

The first review of SKVC as the quality assurance in higher education agency was organized in 2012 and the positive results of it gave the possibility to become the full member of the European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and be listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)

The aim of SKVC activities is to promote the quality of Lithuanian higher education as well as quality culture, create favourable conditions for studies and professional activities, the free movement of persons, and seek compatibility of the Lithuanian higher education system with the provisions of the European Higher Education Area.

For the purpose of effective self-assessment process and planning of future activities, SKVC undertakes consultations with different higher education stakeholders.
