Changes caused by the pandemic will be taken into account while providing recognition of the 2020 acquired qualifications


The Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education informs that the changes caused by the pandemic COVID-19 will be taken by the Centre into account while providing recognition of the 2020 acquired foreign access qualifications to higher education.

The fact that in some countries maturity exams may be waived or the number of these exams may be reduced this year will not become an obstacle to the recognition of foreign access qualifications in Lithuania. Decisions regarding recognition of the qualifications will be taken with regards to the requirements set for the qualifications to enter higher education in their home countries this year. 

Currently it is not known what educational documents will be issued to graduates in 2020 by foreign countries and what will be the conditions of admission to foreign higher education institutions this year at those countries. Many of them do not yet provide information on the requirements for the award of access qualifications to higher education.

Admissions to Lithuanian higher education institutions will take place later in this year than usual. The first stage of admission will last until the 18 of August and the additional stage until the 4 of September. The common admission to Lithuanian higher education institutions is carried out by LAMABPO and additional information on admission and its terms is available on its website:

