Interim results of SMART-QUAL project


The Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC) in cooperation with European partners – QA agencies and higher education institutions – continues the implementation of the SMART-QUAL project activities.

The aim of this project is to define a set of harmonized Quality Indicators at European level to measure, monitor and assess higher education institutions (HEIs) main processes (learning and teaching; research; and relations with the society).

In the first stage of the project the two initial researches about the state of the art of the quality management systems of European Higher Education Institutions were performed. After reviewing the quality assurance indicators to manage HEI Quality Systems used in different European countries, the project team grouped them into three target groups - strategic, tactical and operational, assessed their compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and ranked them according to their importance in national systems.

In the near future, the project team will prepare recommendations for the implementation of a systematized set of quality assessment indicators and will carry out a test implementation of this set in partner institutions.

SMART-QUAL is a project funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 programme.

You can find out more about the interim results of the project by clicking on the following link:
