LIREQA project recommendations presented to ENIC/NARIC centres


On 17-19 June, at the meeting of ENIC and NARIC networks in Prague, Aurelija Valeikienė, Head of Lithuanian ENIC/NARIC, focused on "Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance" (LIREQA), a research project about encouraging closer cooperation between ENIC-NARIC offices, HEIs and QA agencies in order to include recognition into  internal and external quality insurance.

In more detail, results of the three surveys of ENIC/NARIC offices, QA agencies and HEIs were presented. As main obstacles to fair recognition were seen: lacking information on qualifications and periods of study; lack of knowledge and experience, and legislation regarding the procedures to be followed that might be either “overregulating” or non-existent (especially in relation to recognition of prior learning – RPL). 

Findings on the situation within 123 HEIs in seven European countries indicate that currently about 80% have institution-wide policy for recognition, but only 58% of those have incorporated recognition into internal QA. As for QA agencies, ENQA survey showed that QA agencies broadly fall into three categories:

the vast majority (65%) appear to be in a transition period, as have not yet included recognition into the focus of external QA;
12% of QA agencies said that fair recognition is indirectly captured in external QA
23% of QA agencies reported that external QA explicitly addresses recognition practices within HEIs.

The three surveys indicate, that the biggest potential to move on with improvement of recognition practices is associated with international voluntary commitment instruments (such as developed through Bologna Process – like EAR Manuals, national qualification frameworks, ECTS, diploma supplements) and both international and national information resources (such as databases, registers, publications). Some potential is seen in international legally binding instruments, like the global convention for recognition, treaties on automatic recognition of qualifications.

Future cooperation between QA agencies, HEIs, and ENICs/NARICs should build around such topics of common interest as better information management, capacity building (raising awareness of the already existing tools and training in their application), development of new instruments and services, monitoring of implementation and networking (in country, regionally and internationally).

The LIREQA  project’s recommendations were differentiated according to the various actors (QA agencies, HEIs, ENIC-NARIC offices), concluding that one should proceed to a closer collaboration between QAAs and the ENIC-NARIC offices, to achieve a mutual enrichment in developing appropriate procedures and decisions, and commit more to capacity building and the joint evaluation of institutionalized practices.
