Our position and next steps in response to Russia's aggression in Ukraine


In response to Russia's aggression in Ukraine, we would like to outline our position and next steps:
- We stress that academic freedom and integrity, institutional autonomy, participation of students and staff in the governance of higher education institutions, public responsibility for and of higher education, respect for individual freedoms and rights, the ability to self-organise, the promotion of diversity, and democratic values are the founding principles of the European Higher Education Area. Unfortunately, Russia has discarded those values and therefore, is not worthy to be part of the European Higher Education Area. We stand with all those who condemn Russia's aggression in Ukraine.

- We have suspended our cooperation with the institutions of the Russian Federation, but we stand in solidarity with all those in the Russia protesting against the war in Ukraine. We understand that have an open anti-military position in Russia currently invokes repressions against individuals and institutions and we are sympathetic with them. 

- We are currently suspending cooperation with the authorities of the Republic of Belarus, but we stand in solidarity with all those in the Republic of Belarus who protest against the war in Ukraine.

- We support the appeal of the National Agency for Quality Assurance (NAQA) of Ukraine to the international organisations and academic community. You can find it here.

- We do not and will not tolerate discrimination in Lithuania on the basis of nationality and/or language, just as we do not tolerate other forms of discrimination and hatred. We will never support bullying or other insults against Russian speakers in Lithuania because of the Russian government's aggression in Ukraine.
