Representatives from Azerbaijan visited Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education


On 30 May, representatives from Azerbaijan Ministry of Education and five universities visited the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC). The guests were mostly interested in Lithuanian experience of organizing external quality assurance in higher education institutions. 

During the meeting with Almantas Šerpatauskas, Director of the SKVC, Aurelija Valeikienė, Deputy Director, and the heads of the divisions, the guests got acquainted with the current legal framework of external quality assurance in Lithuania and the activities of SKVC in this context. The overview of institutional review results made in 2011–2015 was presented. Rasa Penkauskienė, Head of the Institutional Review Division, shared information about work and communication with higher education institutions, selection and training of experts. Eimantė Bogdan, Head of the Study Programme Evaluation Division, informed about production and publication of evaluation reports, as well as feed-back mechanisms. Kristina Sutkutė, Adviser of the Qualifications Assessment Division, discussed the questions on linking quality assurance and recognition.  

The delegation from Azerbaijan is visiting Lithuania on 30–31 May under the EU-funded Twinning project Support to Strengthening the Higher Education System in Azerbaijan. The project is implemented by public authorities and higher education institutions from Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Latvia, and France. 

