Requirements for recognition will depend on the level of your education
You want to continue your studies in primary, basic, or secondary education program
You want to enter vocational education and training
You want to enter higher education
You have already completed some semesters and want to continue your study
You want to continue your studies in primary, basic, or secondary education program
There are no recognition procedures. If you want to continue studying in one of these programs, you can contact the school directly.
List of schools and how to enrol
You want to enter vocational education and training
Contact the school offering VET programmes. If needed, the school will contact us with any questions regarding the level of your education and qualifications.
List of VET schools and programmes
You want to enter higher education
This will require recognition of your Атeстат прo повну загальну серeдню освiту or Свідоцтво про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти, bachelor, specialist, or master degrees (depending on the level of study you are aiming to enter). Contact the university or college of your choice.
Information on higher education institutions and study programmes
For most universities and colleges*, recognition will be carried out by the higher education institution of your choice. Other institutions will notify you whether you need to apply with us for recognition.
Information on recognition procedure in our office
*SMK College, Lithuanian Maritime Academy, Šiauliai College, European Humanities University, ISM University of Management and Economics, Kaunas College, Kaunas University of Technology, Kazimieras Simonavičius university, Klaipėda State College, Klaipėda University, LCC International University, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuanian Sports University, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Mykolas Romeris University, Panevėžys College, Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts, Vilnius College, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius University, Vytautas Magnus University.
You have already completed some semesters and want to continue your study
The recognition of your periods of study will be done by the university or college of your choice.
Information on higher education institutions and study programmes
You have a PhD degree
Recognition of PhD degrees is carried out by Research Council of Lithuania .