Meetings to discuss the Higher Education Institution's plans


On the second half of 2015 the representatives of the Center for Quality Assessment in Higher Education in Lithuania (hereinafter – SKVC) are going to visit Higher Education Institutions that were accredited at the beginning of 2015. The SKVC representatives together with the senior management will discuss improvement plans compiled by HEIs on the basis of experts' recommendations. After discussions improvement plans will be publicly available on the websites of the institutions.

The following meetings will be organized:

6 October - Vilnius College of Technologies and Design

12 October - Vilnius College of Higher Education

12 October  - Vilnius College of Design

19 October  - European Humanities University

20 October - Northern Lithuanian College of Higher Education

27 October -  Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences

29 October - Kaunas University of Technology

29 October - Lithuanian Sports University

2 December - University of Bialystok Branch Faculty of Economics-Informatics
