Leaders of ENQA agencies gathered online


On 11 March 2022 Almantas Šerpatauskas Director of SKVC and Aurelija Valeikienė Deputy Director of SKVC participated in ENQA CEO networking event online.

Many pertinent issues were discussed, including ENQA’s continued work in projects to strengthen members and those aspiring QA agencies to implement the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), also the European Approach to Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes (EA), and to promote academic integrity in higher education. Recent developments, such as the European University Initiative and the quality assurance of teaching and learning done by European university alliances, EU Council recommendations on further cooperation in higher education and microcredentials, also the proposals for European Degree label were touched upon. Members exchanged their views regarding the war in Ukraine and empathy towards colleagues of Ukrainian agency NAQA, on the background of the recently adopted ENQA Board’s statement on invasion. On this occasion SKVC expressed its full support to colleagues in Ukraine and all good willing people standing against war, including in Russia. 

Given the pandemic situation and in order to allow the widest participation possible, ENQA meetings in spring 2022 continue to be held via videoconferencing facilities, including the upcoming ENQA General Assembly in April.   
