SKVC takes part in peer review of ENIC/NARIC centres


Colleagues from SKVC as experts take part in voluntary external reviews of other ENIC/NARIC centres. Kristina Sutkutė, Adviser of Qualifications Assessment Division and Diana Saruolienė, Chief Officer of Qualifications Assessment Division took part in the external review of Bosnia and Herzegovina ENIC centre (CIP), working in a group of representatives of Italian NARIC (CIMEA) and also a local member from the University of Sarajevo. The visit was performed on 7th of July 2022  and using the opportunities provided by the TST project, funded by Erasmus+ NARIC action line. The external peer review was based on the self-assessment report by CIP and will result in a report from the panel and the action plan on behalf of the Centre under review, with the aim to improve its strategic organisational orientation and the alignment with expectations of the Lisbon Recognition Convention and the European Area for Recognition Manual. The entire peer review is based on the Standards and Guidelines endorsed at the joint ENIC-NARIC meeting in 2019 with the sole aim of enhancement.
