5 Higher Education Institutions Have Been Accredited


The Centre for Quality Assessment of Studies (SKVC) has carried out external performance evaluations of Klaipėdos universitetas (KU), ISM Vadybos ir ekonomikos universitetas (ISM), Utenos kolegija (UK), Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla (LAJM) and Lietuvos verslo kolegija (LVK) for the period 2020-2021. The evaluations were carried out by the international expert teams established by the SKVC. The experts assessed all of the above-mentioned higher education institutions positively and they were accredited for a maximum period of 7 years by the orders of the Director of the SKVC. 
Detailed results of the external evaluation
The external evaluation assesses the higher education institutions in the 4 areas: Management, Quality Assurance, Studies and Research (Arts), Impact on Regional and National Development. This evaluation cycle has scoring. It was introduced only recently in order to make the evaluation result easier to understand and compare.
Every higher education institution could be rated either unsatisfactory, where the area does not meet the minimum requirements, or where there are significant weaknesses, or excellent in the national and international context.
The Assessment areas of every higher education institution are rated by the experts as no less than satisfactory - the area meets the minimum requirements, there are weaknesses to be addressed - or better than satisfactory (above a score of 2). A satisfactory score is the most frequent score given for the assessment of colleges' performance. For example, Management area was rated 2 in all three colleges assessed. The area with the highest score is Impact on regional and national development. In three out of five cases, this area scored very well in the national and international context, with no weaknesses. Quality Assurance is more often rated as satisfactory, and Studies and Research (Arts) as good or very good. This is more typical for universities.
See the full press release available only in Lithuanian here.
See the full evaluations in English here: