
ATTENTION! On February 22 from 13:00 due to technical reasons SKVC reception will not be able to provide publice services. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.


On Thursday, 15 February reception will be able to provide publice services till 16:00. On Friday, 16 February reception will not be able to provide public services. 16 February — Day of Restoration of Lithuania’s Independence.


ATTENTION! On January 22-23 due to technical reasons SKVC might experience difficulties accepting documents and will be unable to make any copies of documents brough in person. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.


On January the Ministry of Science and Education (MSE) signed a decree which granted Mykolas Romeris University  and LCC International University the right to perform recognition of foreign qualifications.


Listing of SKVC (Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education) in the European Register for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (EQAR), which is the register of trustworthy agencies, once again is extended.


„Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past. Today's Christmas should mean creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday“ (Gladys Taber). We wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.


On the 5th of December the team from the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education consisted of Head of the Study Programme Evaluation Division Almantas Šerpatauskas, Head of the Institutional Review Division Rasa Penkauskienė, Chief Officer of Legal and General Affairs Division Julija Kovalenko and the Review Coordinator Kornelija Bukantaitė visited Northern Lithuania College to discuss the commitment of the higher education institution to suspend studies related activity from 2020.


On 1 of December 2017, ISM University of Management and Economics organized a conference to discuss quality and relevance of higher education in Lithuania. Among invited international and local guests Ms. Aurelija Valeikienė, Deputy Director of SKVC featured. She called to face challenges in strategic leadership, increase professionalism of higher education management and improve pedagogy, in order to create the desired change in quality, emphasising, that it is people who are to deliver in the first place, and investment is needed here. She also emphasised that higher education institutions in the first place are responsible for their quality.


In an age of mass and increasingly internationalised higher education, it has become the norm that both universities and quality assurance agencies are subject to external scrutiny. Yet it is becoming increasingly difficult to assess quality and to demonstrate the impact of external quality assurance.


On 3 – 5 October 2017, an external evaluation of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (hereinafter - LEU) will take place. LEU is the main institution in Lithuania involved in teachers' training. The first external review of LEU was held on 24 – 26 April 2012. Following negative assessment by international panel of experts SKVC awarded the University 3 years accreditation. The decission of accreditation came into force only in April 2015 after repearted hearings in Court. The Court confirmed validity of SKVC decision.

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